
Publication(English)  2002

Akira M High-resolution CT in the evaluation of occupational andenvironmental disease. Radiologic Clincs of North America 40(1):43-59,2002

Akira M, Ishikawa H, Yamamoto S. Drug-induced pneumonitis: thin-section CT findings in 60 patients. Radiology 224:852-860,2002

Fukuchi K, Hayashida K, Nakanishi N, Inubushi M, Kyotani S, Nagaya N, Ishida Y. Quantitative Analysis of Lung Perfusion in Patients with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. J Nucl Med 43: 757-761, 2002

Fukuchi K, Ono Y, Ishikawa Y, Okada Y, Hayashida K, Ishida Y Harness-Shaped Distribution in Pediatric Tc-99m Tetrofosmin Scintigraphy. Clin Nucl Med 4: 303, 2002

Fukunaga H, Sekimoto M, Tatsumi M, Ikenaga M, Ohue M, Seshimo I, Higuchi I,Takayama O, Yasui M, Ikeda M, Yamamoto H, Monden M. Clinical relevance of fusion images using 18F-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in local recurrence of rectal cancer. Int J Oncol 20:691-5, 2002

Hadeishi H, Suzuki A, Yasui N, Hatazawa J, Shimosegawa E. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurosurgery 50(4):741-7, 2002

Haneda K, Umeda T, Koyama T, Harauchi H and Inamura K. Methodology development for quantitative optimization of security enhancement in medical information system. Japanese Journal of Medical Physics 22(4), 195-210, 2002

Haraguchi R, Sugimoto N, Eiho S, Ishida Y. Registration and Superimposed Display of Coronary Arterial Tree on Bull’s Eye Map of SPECT. IEICE TRANS.INF. & SYST. 85:69-76. , 2002

Harauchi H, Kondo T, Kumazaki Yu, Ishibashi M, Numazaki H, Kou H, Okura Y, Umeda T, Takemura A and Inamura K. Development of a Virtual Private Database for a Multi-institutional Internet-based Radiation Oncology Database Overcoming Differences in Protocols. Japan Journal of Medical Physics 22(2), 125-133, 2002

Hasegawa S, Kusuoka H, Fukuchi K, Yutani K, Maruyama K, Hori M, Nishimura T. 14C-deoxyglucose Imaging Overestimates Myocardial Viability in Subacute Infarction of Rats. Nucl Med Commun 23: 209-217, 2002

Honda O, Johkoh T, Yamamoto S, Koyama M, Tomiyama N, Kozuka T, Hamada S, Mihara N, Nakamura H. Coronal Multiplanar Reconstruction View from Isotropic Voxel Data Sets by Multidetector-Row CT: Evaluation of Image Quality by Comparison with Direct Coronal Thin-Section CT. Am J Roentgenol 179: 875-879, 2002

Hori M, Murakami T, Kim T, Nakamura H. Diagnosis of hepatic neoplasms using CT arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography. Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology 5:164-169,2002

Hori M, Murakami T, Kim T, Tsuda K, Takahashi S, Okada A, Takamura M, Nakamura H. Detection of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma: Comparison of SPIO-enhanced MRI with dynamic helical CT. J Comput Assist Tomogr 26:701-710,2002

Ichikado K, M_ller NL, Taniguchi H, Kondoh Y, Akira M. Acute interstitial pneumonia: comparison of thin-section CT findings between survivors and non-survivors. American Journal Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 165: 1551-1556,2002

Ikeda H. Editorial: Quality assurance activities in radiotherapy. JJCO 32: 493 -496 , 2002

Inaji H, Komoike Y, Motomura K, Kasugai T, Sawai Y, Koizumi M, Nose T, Koyama H. Breast-conserving treatment after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in large breast cancer. Breast Cancer 9: 20-25, 2002

Inamura K, Kosaka S, Yamamoto Y, Sukenobu Y, Okura Y, Matsumura Y, Takeda H, PACS development in Asia. J. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics in press, 2002

Inoue T Quality assurance of radiotherapy and its clinical assessment. Jpn J Clin Oncol 32(12): 497-505, 2002
Inoue Y, Shibata T, Shibata T. CT of internal hernia through a peritoneal defect of the pouch of Douglas. Am J Roentgenol 179:1305-1306, 2002
Ishida T, Murakami T, Shibata T,Inoue Y Takamura M, Niinobu T,Sato T, Nakamura H. Percutaneous microwave tumor coagulation for hepatocellular carcinoma with interruption of segmental hepatic blood flow. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 13, 185-191, 2002

Ishida Y, Yasumura Y, Sasaki T, Fukuchi K, Kakuchi H, Miyatake K Clinical utilities of single-photon biochemical tracers in estimating pathophysiologic processes in heart failure: 123I-BMIPP and 123I-MIBG. The Scintillating Future of Nuclear Medicine (Edited Nishimura T, Strauss HW, Fukuchi M) Elsevier 93-104, 2002

Ishikura S, Ogino T, Furuse J, Satake M, Baba S, Kawashima M, Nihei K, Ito Y, Maru Y, Ikeda H. Radiotherapy after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein tumor thrombosis. Am J Clin Oncol 25:189-193, 2002

Ito H, Kanno I, Ibaraki M, Hatazawa J. Effect of aging on cerebral vascular response to Paco2 changes in humans as measured by positron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 22(8):997-1003, 2002

Ito H, Kanno I, Shimosegawa E, Tamura H, Okane K, Hatazawa J. Hemodynamic changes during neural deactivation in human brain: a positron emission tomography study of crossed cerebellar diaschisis. Ann Nucl Med. 16(4):249-54, 2002

Ito H, Yokoyama I, Tamura Y, Kinoshita T, Hatazawa J, Kawashima R, Iida H. Regional changes in human cerebral blood flow during dipyridamole stress: neural activation in the thalamus and prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage. 16(3 Pt 1):788-93, 2002

Ito Y, Kamijo T, Yokose T, Kawashima M, Ogino T, Ikeda H, Hayashi R, Sasaki S, Ochiai A. Microvessel density predicts the radiosensitivity of metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in cervical lymph nodes. Int J Oncol 19: 1127-1132, 2002

Johkoh T, Kozuka T, Tomiyama N, Hamada S, Honda O, Mihara N, Koyama M, Tsubamoto M, Maeda M, Nakamura H, Fujiwara K. Temporal Subtraction for the Detection of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules on Chest Radiographs: Evaluation of the First Commercially Available Computer-Aided Diagnosis System. Radiology 223: 806-811, 2002

Johkoh T, Mu”ller NL, Colby TV, Ichikado K, Taniguchi H, Kondoh Y, Fujimoto K, Kinoshita M, Arakawa H, Yamada H, Suga M, Ando M, Koyama M, Nakamura H. Non-Specific Interstitial Pneumonia: Correlation between Thin-Section CT Findings and Pathologic Subgroups in 55 patients. Radiology 225: 199-204, 2002

Johkoh T, Mu”ller NL, Nakamura H. Multidetector Spiral High-Resolution CT of the Lungs: Distribution of findings on cross-sectional images and coronal reconstruction. Journal of Thoracic Imaging 17:291-305 ,2002

Kagawa K, Murakami M, Hishikawa Y, Abe M, Akagi T, Yanou T, Kagiya G, Furusawa Y, Ando K, Nojima K, Aoki M, Kanai T. Preclinical biological assessment of proton and carbon ion beams at Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 54: 928-938 ,2002

Kandori A, Oe H, Miyashita K, Date H, Yamada N, Naritomi H, Chiba Y, Miyashita T, Tsukada K. Abnormal auditory neural networks in patients with right hemispheric infarction, chronic dizziness, and moyamoya disease: a magnetoencephalogram study. Neurosience Research 44:273-283 ,2002

Kandori A, Oe H, Miyashita K, Date H, Yamada N, Naritomi H, Chiba Y, Murakami M, Miyashita T, Tsukada K. Visualisation method of spatial interictal discharges in temporal epilepsy patients using magneto-encephalogram. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 40:327-331 ,2002

Kashiwagi N, Hirabuki N, Morio H, Taki T, Yoshiada W, Nakamura H. Primary solitary intracranial melanoma in the sylvian fissure; MR demonstration. European Radiology 12:s7-s10 ,2002

Kawata S, Murakami T, Kim T, Hori M, Federle MP, Kumano S, Sugihara E, Makino S, Nakamura H, Kudo M. Multidetector CT: Diagnostic impact of slice thickness on detection of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma. Am J Roentgenol 179:61-66, 2002

Kikuchi K, Murase K, Miki H, Yasuhara Y, Sugawara Y, Mochizuki T, Ikezoe J, Ohue S. Quantitative evaluation of mean transit times obtained with dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MR imaging and with 133Xe SPECT in occlusive cerebrovascular disease. Am J Roentgenol 179(1): 229-235, 2002

Kim EA, Lee KS, Johkoh T, Kim TS, Suh GY, Kwon OJ, Han J. Interstitial Lung Diseases Associated with Collagen Vascular Diseases: Radiologic and Pathologic Findings. RadioGraphics 22:S151-S165, 2002

Kim T, Murakami T, Hori M, Takamura M, Takahashi S, Okada A, Kawata S, Cruz M, Federle MP, Nakamura H. Small hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma revealed by double arterial phase CT performed with single breath-hold scanning and automatic bolus tracking. Am J Roentgenol 178:899-904, 2002

Komoike Y, Motomura K, Inaji H, Kasugai T, Nose T, Koizumi M, Koyama H. Long-Term Results of Breast Conserving Surgery for Stages I and II Breast Cancer: Experiences at Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases. Breast Cancer 9: 248-253, 2002

Kou H, Harauchi H, Inamura K. Development of the system which automatically acquire optical discrete-valued attribute by dividing and grouping continuous-valued attribute to assist the clinical decision making in radiotherapy. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, in press, 2002

Kudo T, Fukuchi K, Annala AJ, Chatziioannou AF, Allada V, Dahlbom M, Tai YC, Inubushi M, Huang SC, Cherry SR, Phelps ME, Schelbert HR. Noninvasive Measurement of Myocardial Activity Concentrations and Perfusion Defect Sizes in Rats With a New Small-Animal Positron Emission Tomograph. Circulation 106: 118-123, 2002

Mochizuki T, Murase K, Higashino H, Miyagawa M, Sugawara Y, Kikuchi T, Ikezoe J. Ischemic “memory image” in acute myocardial infarction of 123I-BMIPP after reperfusion therapy: a comparison with 99mTc-pyrophosphate and 201Tl dual-isotope SPECT. Ann Nucl Med 16(8): 563-568, 2002

Morimoto O, Nagano H, Sakon M, Eguchi H, Miyamoto A, Kondo M, Arai I, Yamamoto T, Dono K, Umeshita K, Takamura M, Murakami T, Nakamori S, Nakamura H, Monden M. Liver abscess formation after microwave coagulation therapy applied for hepatic metastases from surgically excised bile duct cancer: Report of a case. Surg Today 32:454-457, 2002

Moriyama M, Sato Y, Naito H, Hanayama M, Ueguchi T, Harada T, Yoshimoto F, Tamura S. Reconstruction of Time-Varying 3-D Left-Ventricular Shape From Multiview X-Ray Cineangiocardiograms. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING 21:773-785, 2002

Moriyama M, Sato Y, Naito H, Hanayama M, Ueguchi T, Harada T, Yoshimoto F, Tamura S. Time varying 3D left ventricular shape from multiview X-ray cineangiocadiograms. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2(7):773-785, 2002

Murakami T, Kim T, Takahashi S, Nakamura H. Hepatocellular carcinoma: Multidetector row helical CT. Abdom Imaging 27:139-146, 2002

Murakami T. Etude dynamique du carcinome hepato-cellulaire. Angioscanner des vaisseaux pancreatiques. In: Blum A, ed. Scanographie volumique multicoupe: Principles, applications et perspectives. Masson, Paris. 107-113, 124-129, 2002

Murase K, Yamazaki Y, Mochizuki T, Ikezoe J. Renal uptake rate measurement of 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinic acid using spectral analysis. Nucl Med Commun 23(3): 265-273, 2002

Nagao M, Murase K, Saeki H, Mochizuki T, Sugata S, Ikezoe J. Pulsating renal blood flow distribution measured using power doppler ultrasound: correlation with hypertension. Hypertension Research 25(5): 697-701, 2002

Nagao M, Murase K, Yasuhara Y, Ikezoe J, Eguchi K, Mogami H, Mandai K, Nakata M, Ooshiro Y. Measurement of localized ground-glass attenuation at thin-section computed tomography images: correlation with the progression of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma of the lung. Investigative Radiology 37(12): 692-697, 2002

Nagao M, Murase K. Measurement of heterogeneous distribution on Technegas SPECT images using three-dimensional fractal analysis (Review). Ann Nucl Med 16(6): 369-376, 2002

Nakajima Y, Nogawa H, Sato Y, Tamura S, Okazaki K, Torii S, Takemoto Y. Optical flow based on physical model of fluid. Pattern Recognition 36(5) , 2002

Nihei K, Ishikura S, Kawashima M, Ogino T, Ikeda H. Short-course palliative radiotherapy for airway stenosis in non-small cell lung cancer. IJCO 7:284-88, 2002

Nishii T, Sugano N, Ohzono K, Ski T, Sato Y, Yoshilkawa H. Significance of lesion size and location in the prediction of collapse of osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a new three-dimensional quantification using magnetic resonance imaging. J. Orthopaedic Research, 20(1):l30-136, 2002

Noguchi Y, Murakami T, Kim T, Hori M, Osuga K, Kawata S, Okada A, Sugiura T, Tomoda K, Narumi Y, Nakamura H. Detection of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma by dynamic magnetic resonance imaging with double-echo chemical shift in-phase and opposed-phase gradient echo technique: Comparison with dynamic helical computed tomography imaging with double arterial phase. J Comput Assist Tomogr 26:981-987, 2002

Ochi T, Murase K, Fujii T, Kawamura M, Ikezoe J. Survival prediction using artificial neural networks in patients with uterine cervical cancer treated by combined external and intracavitary radiation therapy. International Journal of Clinical Oncology 7(5): 294-300, 2002

Oe H, Kandori A, Yamada N, Miyashita T, Tsukada K, Naritomi H. Interhemispheric connection of auditory neural pathways assessed by auditory evoked magnetic fields in patients with fronto-temporal lobe infarction. Neuroscience Research 44:483-488, 2002

Okura Y, Matsumura Y, Hidaka K, Yokoyama H, Inada H, Harauchi H, Kou H, and Inamura K. Evaluation of The Effect of Varying MPEG-2 Compression Ratios on Digital Coronary Angiographic Assessment of Stenosis Severity Journal of Digital Imaging, January 2003; 15(2), Online publication: 21

Osuga K, Hori S, Kitayoshi H, Khankan AA, Okada A, Sugiura T, Murakami T, Hosokawa K, Nakamura H. Embolization of high flow arteriovenous malformations: Experience with use of superabsorbent polymer microspheres. J Vasc Interv Radiol 13:1125-1133, 2002

Osuga K, Khankan AA, Hori S, Okada A, Sugiura T, Maeda M, Nagano H, Yamada A, Murakami T, Nakamura H. Transarterial embolization for large hepatocellular carcinoma with use of superabsorbent polymer microspheres: Initial experience. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 13, 929-934, 2002

Otsuka Y, Nakatani S, Fukuchi K, Yasumura Y, Komamura K, Yamagishi M, Shimotsu Y, Miyatake K, Ishida Y. Clinical Significance of Iodine-123-15-(p-Iodophenyl)-3-R, S-Methylpentadecanoic Acid Myocardial Scintigraphy in Patients With Aortic Valve Disease. Circ J.66: 41-46, 2002

Paul AK, Tatsumi M, Yutani K, Fujino K, Hashikawa K, Nishimura T. Effects of iterative reconstruction on image contrast and lesion detection in gamma camera coincidence imaging in lung and breast cancers. Nucl Med Commun 23:103-110, 2002

Sakon M, Nagano H, Nakamori S, Dono K, Umeshita K, Murakami T, Hironobu N, Monden M. Intrahepatic recurrences of hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy. Arch Surg 137:94-99, 2002

Shidahara M, Watabe H, Kim KM, Oka H, Sago M, Hayashi T, Miyake Y, Ishida Y, Hayashida K, Nakamura T, Iida H. Evaluation of a Commercial PET Tomograph-based System for the Quantitative Assessment of rCBF, rOEF and rCMRO2 by Using Sequential Administration of 15O-labeled Compounds. Ann Nucl Med 16: 317-327, 2002

Shimamoto S, Inoue Ta, Shiomi H, Sumida I, Yamada Y, Tanaka E, Inoue To. CyberKnife stereotactic irradiation for metastatic brain tumors. Radiation Medicine 20(6): 299-304, 2002

Sukenobu Y, Sasagaki M, Hirabuki N, Naito H, Narumi Y, Inamura K. Evaluation of Video Capture Equipment as a Secondary Image Acquisition for the PACS. Japanese Journal of Medical Physics 22(4), in press, 2002

Takahashi S, Murakami T, Takamura M, Kim T, Hori M, Narumi Y, Nakamura H, Kudo M. Multi-detector row helical CT angiography of hepatic vessels: Depiction with dual-arterial phase acquisition during single breath hold. Radiology 222:81-88, 2002

Takahashi Y, Murase K, Higashino H, Kawakami H, Kawamata I. SPECT imaging with off-set detector system: comparison of sampling angles 2, 4 and 6 degrees. Ann Nucl Med 16(5): 363-367, 2002

Takahashi Y, Murase K, Higashino H, Mochizuki T, Motomura N. Attenuation correction of myocardial SPECT images with X-ray CT: effects of registration errors between X-ray CT and SPECT. Ann Nucl Med 16(6): 431-435, 2002

Takasawa M, Murase K, Oku N, Kawamata M, Imaizumi M, Yoshikawa T, Osaki Y, Paul AK, Kitagawa K, Matsumoto M, Hori M. Automatic determination of brain perfusion index for measuring cerebral blood flow using spectral analysis and Tc-99m HMPAO. Eur J Nucl Med 29(11): 1443-1446, 2002

Takasawa M, Murase K, Oku N, Yoshikawa T, Osaki Y, Imaizumi M, Matsuzawa H, Fujino K, Hashikawa K, Kitagawa K, Hori M, Matsumoto M. Assessment of acetazolamide reactivity in cerebral blood flow using spectral analysis and technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 22(8): 1004-1009, 200

Takitani K, Nishino A, Tanabe T, Tanaka H, Harada K, Mimak T, Tamai H. White matter lesion due to dural sinus thrombosis in an infant with subdural hematoma. Pediatrics International 44:680-682, 2002

Tamaki Y, Akashi-Tanaka S, Ishida T, Uematsu, T, Kusama M, Sawai Y, Nakamura S, Hisamatsu K, Tanji Y, Sato Y, and Matsuura N. 3D imaging of intraductal spread of breast cancer and its clinical application for navigation surgery. Breast Cancer 9(4), 289-295, 2002

Tamura H, Hatazawa J, Toyoshima H, Shimosegawa E, Okudera T. Detection of deoxygenation-related signal change in acute ischemic stroke patients by T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Stroke 33(4):967-71, 2002

Tamura S, Hirano M, Chen X, Sato Y, Narumi Y, Hori M, Takahashi S, and Nakamura H. Intra-body three-dimensional position sensor for an ultrasound endoscope. IEEE Trans on Biomedical Engineering 49(10):1187-1194, 2002

Tanisada K, Teshima T, Ohno Y, Inoue T, Abe M, Ikeda H, Owen JB, Hanks GE, Masuda K, Honke Y. Japanese PCS Working Group: Patterns of Care Study quantitative evaluation of the quality of radiotherapy in Japan. Cancer 95:164-71, 2002

Tatsumi M, Tsuruo T, Nishimura T. Evaluation of MS-209, a novel multidrug-resistance-reversing agent, intumour-bearing mice by technetium-99m-MIBI imaging. Eur J Nucl Med 29:288-94, 2002

Tomiyama N, Johkoh T, Mihara N, Honda O, Kozuka T, Koyama M, Hamada S, Okumura M, Ohta M, Eimoto T, Miyagawa M, Mu”ller NL, Ikezoe J, Nakamura H. WHO classification of thymic epithelial neoplasms: CT findings. Am J Roentgenol 179:881-886, 2002

Tsubamoto M, Johkoh T, Kozuka T, Tomiyama N, Hamada S, Honda O, Mihara N, Koyama M, Maeda M, Nakamura H, Fujiwara Temporal Subtraction for the Detection of Ground-glass shadow on Chest Radiographs: Evaluation of the First Commercially Available Robustic Computer-Aided Diagnostic System. Am J Roentgenol 179:467-471, 2002

Tsubamoto M, Johkoh T, Kozuka T, Tomiyama N, Hamada S, Honda O, Mihara N, Koyama M, Maeda M, Nakamura H, Fujiwara K. Temporal Subtraction for the Detection of Ground-glass shadow on Chest Radiographs: Evaluation of the First Commercially Available Robustic Computer-Aided Diagnostic System. Am J Roentgenol 179:467-471, 2002

Uno T, Sumi M, Ikeda H, Teshima T, Yamashita M, Inoue T. Japanese PCS Working Subgroup for Lung Cancer. Radiation therapy for small-cell lung cancer: results of the 1995-1997 patterns of care process survey in Japan. Lung Cancer 35: 279-285, 2002

Uno T, Sumi M, Sawa Y, Teshima T, Hara R, Ikeda H, Inoue T. Japanese PCS Working Subgroup of Lung Cancer: Process of care and preliminary outcome in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer: results of the 1995-1997 Patterns of Care Study in Japan. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 55:626-632, 2003

Uzu T, Takeji M, Yamada N, Fujii T, Yamaguchi A, Takishita S, Kimura G. Prevalence and Outcome of Renal Artery Stenosis in Atherosclerotic Patients with Renal Dysfunction. Hypertens.Res 25(4):537-542, 2002

Watanabe Y, Mitomo M,. Tokuda Y, Yoshida K, Choi S, Hosoki T, Ban C. Eclamptic encephalopathy: MRI, including diffusion-weighted images. Neuroradiology 44:981-985, 2002

Yamamoto S, Fukuda T, Hamada S, Johkoh T, Tomiyama N, Murai Y, Matsumoto T, Inoue T, Tamaki Y, Nakanishi S, Tomoda K, Nakamura H. Technical application of three-dimensional visualization and measurement for breast cancer using multi-slice CT scanner. Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology 58; 1666-1675, 2002

Yamamoto T, Teshima T, Miyajima S, Matsumoto M, Shiomi H, Inoue Ta, Inoue To, Hirayama H. Monte Carlo calculation of depth doses for small field of CyberKnife. Radiation Medicine 20(6): 305-310, 2002

Yamazaki H, Oi H, Matsushita M, Inoue T, Nakamura H, Inoue T. Renal cortical retention of contrast medium on delayed CT and nephropathy following transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in patients with high serum creatinine level. Brit J Radiol 75:874-878, 2002

Yamazaki H, Tomoda K, Shiomi H, Maeda M, Kawata S, Okada A, Murakami T, Nakamura H, Tanaka E, Inoue T, Inoue T. High dose rate endovascular brachytherapy in aorto-iliac lesion for the prevention of restenosis. Radiat Med 20:25-32, 2002

Yamazaki H, Yoshioka Y, Inoue Ta, Tanaka E, Nishikubo M, Sato T, Ishida T, Nakamura H, Inoue To. Changes in natural killer cell activity by external radiotherapy and/or brachytherapy. Oncology Report 9:359-363, 2002

Yamazaki H, Yoshioka Y, Inoue Ta, Tanaka E, Nishikubo M, Sato T, Ishida T, Nakamura H, Inoue To. High dose rate endovascular brachytherapy in aorto-iliac lesion for the prevention of restenosis. Radiation Medicine 20(1): 25-32, 2002

Yasui N, Kawamura S, Suzuki A, Hadeishi H, Hatazawa J. Role of hypothermia in the management of severe cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 82:93-8 , 2002

Yoshimura H, Murakami T, Kim T, Nakamura H, Hirabuki N, Sakon M, Wakasa K, Inoue Y. Angiomyolipoma of the liver with least amount of fat component: Imaging features of CT, MR, and angiography. Abdom Imaging 27:184-187, 2002