
Publication(English)  2000

Abe K, Terakawa H, Takanashi M, Watanabe Y, Tanaka H, Fujita N, Hirabuki N, Yanagihara T. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of patients with parkinsonism.@Brain Res Bull 52: 589-95, 2000

Akira M, Inoue G, Yamamoto S, Sakatani M. Non-specific interstitial pneumonia: findings on sequential CT scans of nine patients. Thorax 55: 854? 859, 2000

Aklira M, Sakatani M, Ishikawa H. Transient radiographic progression during initial treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: CT findings. J Comput Assist Tomogr 24: 426? 431, 2000

Cho I, Hayashida K, Imakita S, Kume N, Fukuchi K. Hemodynamic and metabolic state of hyperfixation with 99mTc-HMPAO brain SPECT in subacute stroke. Ann Nucl Med 14: 159-163, 2000

Fujimura M, Yasumura Y, Ishida Y, Nakatani S, Komamura K, Yamagishi M, Miyatake K. Improvement in left ventricular function in response to carvedilol is accompanied by attenuation of neurohumoral activation in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Journal of Cardiac Failure 6: 3-10, 2000

Fukuchi K, Hayashida K, Moriwaki H, Fukushima K, Kume N, Katafuchi T, Sago M, Takamiya M, Ishida Y. Brain fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose imaging with dual-head coincidence gamma camera: Comparison with dedicated ring-detector positron emission tomography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 21: 99-104, 2000

Fukuchi K, Sago M, Nitta K, Fukushima K, Toba M, Hayashida K, Takamiya T, Ishida Y. Attenuation correction for cardiac dual-head gamma camera coincidence imaging using segmented myocardial perfusion SPECT. J Nucl Med 41: 919-925, 2000

Fukuchi K, Katafuchi T, Fukushima K, Shimotsu Y, Toba M, Hayashida K, Takamiya M, Ishida Y. Estimation of myocardial perfusion and viability using simultaneous 99mTc-Tetrofosmin-FDG collimated SPECT. J Nucl Med 41: 1318-1323, 2000

Fukuchi K, Hasegawa S, Ito Y, Yamaguchi H, Yoshioka J, Uehara T, Nishimura T. Detection of coronary artery disease by iodine-123-labeled iodophenyl-9-methyl pentadecanoic acid SPECT: comparison with thallium-201 and iodine-123 BMIPP SPECT. Ann Nucl Med 14: 11-16, 2000

Fukui A, Murase K, Tsuda T, Fujii T, Ikezoe J. Assessment of liver function of chronic liver diseases and regional function of irradiated liver using 99mTc-galactosyl-human serum albumin liver scintigraphy and quantitative spectral analysis. Ann Nucl Med 14: 467-476, 2000.

Haniuda M, Numanami H, Kondo R, Kurai M, Takashima S, Amano J. Intrapleural rupture of a cystic teratoma. J Thorac Imag 15:295-296, 2000.

Hasegawa S, Kusuoka H, Fukuchi K, Hori M, Nishimura T. Estimation of the area at risk in myocardial infarction of rats by means of I-123 beta-methyliodophenyl pentadecanoic acid imaging. Ann Nucl Med 14: 347-352, 2000

Hasegawa M, Sone S, Takashima S, Li F, Maruyama Y, Yang ZG, Watanabe T. Growth rate of small lung cancers detected on mass CT screening. Brit J Radiol 73:1252-1259, 2000.

Heyneman LE, Johkoh T, Honda O, Yoshida S, Ward S, M_ller NL. Pulmonary leukemic infiltrates: thin section CT findings in 10 patients. AJR-Am J Roentgenol 174:517-521, 2000

Hirabuki N, Watanabe Y, Mano T, Fujita N, Tanaka H, Ueguchi T, Nakamura H. Quantitation of flow in the superior sagittal sinus performed with cine phase-contrast MR imaging of healthy and achondroplastic children. AJNR-Am J Neuroradiol 21;1497-1501, 2000

Hirooka K, Hashimoto S, Tanaka N, Yamada N, Masuda Y, Hanatani A, Nakatani S, Yasumura Y, Miyatake K, Yamagishi M. Combined Abnormalities of Semilunar Valves : Quadricuspid Pulmonary and Bicuspid Aortic Valves. Circulation. 103(1):E7, 2001

Honda O, Nishimura M, Tomiyama N, Johkoh T, Mihara N, Kozuka T, Naito H, Hamada S, Kagawa K, Nishida T, Kono Y, Yamamoto S, Nakamura H. Artificial ventilation-induced diffuse alveolar damage in rabbits: possibility of early detection with expiratory CT. Investigative Radiology 35: 534-538, 2000

Honda O, Nishimura M, Tomiyama N, Johkoh T, Mihara N, Kozuka T, Naito H, Hamada S, Kagawa K, Nishida T, Ichikawa Y, Yamamoto S, Nakamura H. Artifitial Ventilation-Induced Diffuse Alveolar Damage in Rabbits: Preliminary Study of Early Detection on Expiratory High-Resolution Computed Tomography. Investigative Radiology 35(9): 534-538, 2000

Hori M, Murakami T, Kim T, Kanematsu M, Tsuda K, Takahashi S, Takamura M, Hoshi H, Nakamura H. Single breath-hold T2-weighted MR imaging of the liver: value of single-shot fast spin-echo and multishot spin-echo echoplanar imaging. AJR-Am J Roentgenol 174:1423-1431, 2000.

Ichikado K, Gushima Y, Suga M, Johkoh T, Iyonaga K, Yokoyama T, Honda O, Shigeto Y, Tomiguchi S, Takahashi M, Itoh H, Ikezoe J, Ando M. Thin-section CT findings predict pathological phases of acute respiratory distress syndrome: evaluation in hyperoxia induced experimental model in pigs. Radiology 216: 531-538, 2000

Ikeda H. Editorial Structure of Radiotherapy in Japan. JJCO 2001

Ikushima H, Tokuuye K, Sumi M, Kagami Y, Murayama S, Ikeda H, Tanaka M, Oyama H, Shibui S, Nomura K. Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy of brain metastases from renal cell carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48: 1389-1393, 2000

Imai Y, Murakami T, Yoshida S, Nishikawa M, Osawa M, Tokunaga K, Murata M, Shibata K, Zushi S, Kurokawa M, Yonezawa T, Kawata S, Takamura M, Nagano H, Sakon M, Monden M, Wakasa K, Nakamura H. Superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced MR images of hepatocellular carcinoma: Correlation with histological grading. Hepatology 32:205-212, 2000.

Imoto, S, Fukukita, H, Murakami, K, Ikeda, H, Moriyama, N. Pilot study on sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer. J Surg Oncol 73: 130-133, 2000 .

Inoue To, Teshima T. High dose rate interstitial brachytherapy for mobile tongue cancer. Part 1. Phase I/II study of HDR hyperfractionated interstitial brachytherapy for oral cancer. Jpn J Cancer Chemother 27:287-290, 2000

Inoue To. High-dose rate interstitial brachytherapy for mobile tongue cancer. Part 2. Phase III trial of HDR versus LDR interstitial brachytherapy for T1-T2N0 carcinoma of the mobile tongue. Jpn J Cancer Chemother 27:291-295, 2000

Inoue To. High-dose rate interstitial brachytherapy for mobile tongue cancer. Part 3. Comparative study of early mucosal reaction and late tongue atrophy between LDR and HDR Ir-192 interstitial brachytherapy for patients with carcinoma of the mobile tongue. Jpn J Cancer Chemother 27:296-300, 2000

Inoue To. Perioperative high-dose rate hyperfractionated brachytherapy for bone and soft tissue sarcomas. Jpn J Cancer Chemother 27:427-431, 2000

Inoue T. Phase III study of HDR versus LDR interstitial brachytherapy for early carcinoma of the mobile tongue. in Innovative Radiotherapy Technologies. Yonsei International Radaition Oncology Symposium 2000 :47-52, 2000

Inoue T. The CyberKnife treatment for intracranial and head and neck cancer. in Innovative Radiotherapy Technologies. Yonsei International Radaition Oncology Symposium 2000 :93-98, 2000

Inoue To. Phase III trial of HDR versus LDR interstitial brachytherapy as monotherapy for early carcinoma of the mobile tongue. Radiother Oncol 55:19-20, 2000

Inoue To, Teshima T. High dose rate interstitial brachytherapy for mobile tongue cancer. Part 1. Phase I/II study of HDR hyperfractionated interstitial brachytherapy for oral cancer. Jpn J Cancer Chemother 27:287-290, 2000

Isaka T, Nakagawa H, Suzuki T, Yamada J, Wada K,Kadota T. Successful removal of a giant skull base metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma after direct ethanol injection: Case report. SKULL BASE SURGERY 10;81-86, 2000

Ishii R, Shinosaki K, Ikejiri Y, Ukai S, Yamashita K, Iwase M, Mizuno-Yamamoto Y, Inouye T, Yoshimine T, Hirabuki N, Robinson SE, Takeda M. Theta rhythm increases in left superior temporal cortex during auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia: a case report.@ NeuroReport 11: 3283-3287, 2000

Ito Y, Hasegawa S, Yamaguchi H, Yoshioka J, Uehara T, Nishimura T.@Relation between thallium-201/iodine 123-BMIPP subtraction and fluorine 18 deoxyglucose polar maps in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Nucl Cardiol 7: 16-22, 2000

Johkoh T, Tomiyama N, Honda O, Mihara N, Kozuka T, Maeda M, Hamada S, Naito H, Nakamura H, Ichikado K. Acute and subacute non-infectious lung diseases: usefulness of HRCT for evaluation of activity especially in follow-up. Radition Medicine 18: 233-238, 2000

Johkoh T, M_ller NL, Ichikado K, Akira M, Honda O , Tomiyama T, Mihara N, Kozuka T, Koyama M, Hamada S, Nakamura H. Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia: Follow-up CT Findings in 14 Patients. Journal of Thoracic Imaging 15: 162-167, 2000

Johkoh T, M_ller NL, Akira M, Ichikado K, Suga M, Ando M, Yoshinaga T, Kiyama T, MiharaN, Honda O, Tomiyama N, Nakamura H. Eosinophilic Lung Diseases: Diagnostic Accuracy of Thin-section CT in 111 patients. Radiology 216: 773-780, 2000

Johkoh T, M_ller NL, Cartier Y, Kavanagh PV, Mayo J, Tomiyama N, Murakami T, Naitoh H, Nakamura H, Moriya H. MR perfusion imaging in the evaluation for lung volume reduction surgery: comparison with perfusion scintigraphy. Radiation Medicine 18: 297-302, 2000

Johkoh T, Tomiyama N, Honda O, Mihara N, Kozuka T, Maeda M, Hamada S, Naito H, Nakamura H, Ichikado K. Acute and Subacute Non-infectious LungDiseases: Usefulness of HRCT for Evaluation of Activity Especially in Follow-up. Radiation Medicine 18(4): 233-238, 2000

Johkoh T, Muller NL, Kavanagh PV, Cartier Y, Mayo JR, Tomiyama N, Murakami T, Naito H, Nakamura H, Moriya H. Scintigraphic and MR Perfusion Imaging in Preoperative Evaluation for Lung Volume Reduction Surgery: Pilot Study Results. Radiation Medicine 18(5): 277-281, 2000

Johkoh T, Muller NL, Kavanagh PV, Cartier Y, Mayo JR, Tomiyama N, Murakami T, Naito H, Nakamura H, Moriya H. Scintigraphic and MR perfusion imaging in preoperative evaluation for lung volume reduction surgery: Pilot study results. Radiat Med 18:277-281, 2000

Kadowaki K, Murakami T, Yoshioka H, Kim T, Takahashi S, Tomoda K, Narumi Y, Nakamura H. Helical CT imaging of gastric cacer: Normal wall appearance and the potential for staging. Radiat Med 16:47-54, 2000.

Kashiwagi N, Yoshihara W, Shimada N, Tanaka H, Fujita N, Hirabuki N, Watanabe Y,Nakamura Y.@Solitary subepndymal giant cell astrocytoma: case report.@European Journal of Radiology 33:55-58, 2000

Kido S, Kuriyama K, Hosomi N, Inoue E, Kuroda C, Horai T. Low-cost soft-copy display accuracy in the detection of pulmonary nodules by single-exposure dual-energy subtraction: comparison with hard-copy viewing. Journal of Digital Imaging 13(1):33-37, 2000

Kim T, Baron RL, Nalesnik MA. Infarcted regenerative nodules in cirrhosis: CT and MR imaging findings with pathologic correlation. AJR-Am J Roentgenol 175:1121-1126, 2000.

Kim K-I, Lee KN, Tomiyama N, Johkoh T, Ichikado K. Near drowning: high-resolution CT findings in five patients. J Comput Assist Tomogr 24: 562-566, 2000

Kojima Y, Inoue T. Transitional zone biopsy in the detection of prostate cancer. Eur Urol 37:675-679, 2000

Kondo H, Kanematsu M, Hoshi H, Murakami T, Kim T, Hori M, Matsuo M, Nakamura H. Preoperative detection of malignant hepatic tumors: Comparison of combined methods of MR imaging with combined methods of CT. AJR-Am J Roentgenol 174:947-954, 2000.

Kuribayashi S, Imakita S, Takamiya M. Case report: stent placement in support of intravascular ultrasound in a woman with atypical lower abdominal aortic stenosis. Radiation Medicine 18;209-212, 2000

Lee KS, Chung MP, Johkoh T. Letter to the Editor: Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias: Diagnostic Accuracy of Thin-section CT in 129 patients. Radiology 215: 918-919, 2000

Li F, Sone S, Maruyama Y, Takashima S, Yang ZG, Hasegawa M, Honda T, Yamanda T, Kubo K. Correlation between high resolution computed tomographic, magnetic resonance and pathologic findings in cases with non-cancerous but suspicious lung nodules. Eur Radiol 10:1782-1791, 2000

Matsuo M, Kanematsu M, Murakami T, Kim T, Hori M, Kondo H, Nakamura H, Hoshi H. T2-weighted MR imaging for focal hepatic lesion detection: supplementary value of breath-hold imaging with half-fourier single-shot fast spin-echo and multishot spin-echo echoplanar sequences. J Magn Reson Imaging 12:444-452, 2000.

Maruyama Y, Sone S, Takashima S. Small cell carcinoma of the lung with intratumoral hemorrhage and alveolar hemorrhage. J Thorac Imag 15:213-214, 2000

Mihara N, Johkoh T, Ichikado K, Honda O, Higashi M, Tomiyama N, Maeda M, Hamada S, Naito H, Nakamura H, Yoshida S, Akira M, Yamamoto S. Can Acute Interstitial Pneumonia be differentiated from Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia by thin-section CT? Radiation. Medicine 18: 277-281, 2000

Mihara N, Johkoh T, Ichikado K, Honda O, Higashi M, Tomiyama N, Maeda M, Hamada S, Naito H, Nakamura H, Yoshida S, Akira M, Yamamoto S. Can Acute Interstitial Pneumonia Be Differentiated from Bronchiolitis Obliterance Organizing Pneumonia by High-resolution CT? Radiation Medicine 18(5): 299-304, 2000.

Mochizuki T, Murase K, Koyama Y, Higashino H, Doi M, Shimizu K, Ikezoe J. Two- and three-dimensional CT-ventriculography ?a new application of helical CT?. AJR-Am J Roentgenol 174: 203-208, 2000.

Mochizuki T, Tsuda T, Sugawara Y, Tanaka H, Kikuchi T, Miyagawa M, Shimizu K, Murase K, Iuchi H, Onji M, Ikezoe J.@Tc-99m PMT hepatobiliary scintigraphy in the differential diagnosis of extrahepatic metastases and hepatocellular carcinoma. Clin Nucl Med 25: 991-995, 2000.

Murakami T, Kim T, Hori M, Takamura M, Tsuda K, Takahashi S, Narumi Y, Nakamura H. Multishot echo-planar imaging with gadopentetate dimeglumine. Preliminary study of efficacy for detection of hypovascular metastatic liver tumors. Acta Radiologica 41:263-268, 2000.

Murase K, Wada T. Medical image compression using wavelet transform. Memoirs of the Faculty of Eng., Ehime Univ XIX: 479-485, 2000.

Murase K, Inoue T, Fujioka H, Yamamoto Y, Ikezoe J. Double-injection method for sequentially measuring cerebral blood flow with N-isopropyl-(123I) p-iodoamphetamine. Ann Nucl Med 14: 441-452, 2000.

Nagao M, Murase K, Ichiki T, Sakai S, Yasuhara Y, Ikezoe J. Quantitative analysis of Technegas SPECT: evaluation of regional severity of emphysema. J Nucl Med 41: 590-595, 2000.

Nagao M, Murase K, Ichiki T, Sakai S, Yasuhara Y, Ikezoe J. Relationship between regional severity of emphysema and coronary heart disease. Ann Nucl Med 14(5): 369-372, 2000.

Nakamura H, Murata M, Murakami T, Oi H, Narumi Y. Diagnostic imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma in interventional radiology. Jpn J Cancer Chemother 27:332-335, 2000.

Nakayama H, Tokuuye K, Kagami Y, Sumi M, Murayama S, Kawashima M, Imai A, Ikeda H, Tobinai K. Brain involvement in Hodgkin’s disease: Case reports and review of the literature. Radiation Medicine 18: 205-208, 2000

Naito H. Functional Diagnostic Imaging of the Myocardium: Usefulness of an Integrated Approach Using X-ray CT and MR Imaging. Medical Imaging Technology 18(4): 331-336, 2000.

Nishimura M, Honda O, Tomiyama N, Johkoh T, Kagawa K, Nishida T. Body position did not influence the location of ventilation-induled lung injury. Intensive Care Medicine 26: 1664-1669, 2000

Oguchi K, Sone S, Kiyono K, Takashima S, Maruyama Y, Hasegawa M, Li F: Optimal tube current for lung cancer screening with low-dose spiral CT. Acta Radiol 41:352-356, 2000.

Oguchi, M, Ikeda, H, Isobe, K, Hirota, S, Hasegawa, M, Nakamura, K, Sasai, K, Hayabuchi, N. Tumor bulk as a prognostic factor for the management of localized aggressive non-Hodgkins lymphoma: a survey of the Japan Lymphoma Radiation Therapy Group. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48:161-168, 2000

Reittner P, M_ller NL, Heyneman L, Johkoh T, Park CS, Lee KS, Honda O, Tomiyama N. Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia: radiologic and thin-section CT features in 28 patients. AJR-Am J Roentgenol 174: 37-41, 2000

Sakamaki F, Satoh T, Nagaya N, Kyotani S, Oya H, Nakanishi N, Kuribayashi S, Ishida Y. Correlation between severity of pulmonary arterial hypertension and 123I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine left ventricular imaging. J Nucl Med 41: 1127-1133, 2000

Sakon M, Nagano H, Shimizu J, Kondo M, Nakamori S, Dono K, Umeshita K, Nakamura H, Murakami T, Monden M. Hepatic resection of hepatocellular carcinoma based on tumor hemodynamics. J Surg Onco 73:179-181, 2000.

Shibata T, Murakami T, Ogata N. Percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy for patients with primary and metastatic hepatic tumors during interruption of hepatic blood flow. Cancer 88:302-311, 2000.

Shimizutani K, Koseki , Inoue To, Inoue Ta, Yoshida K, Teshima T, Furukawa S., Fuchihata H., Tanaka Y. Effectiveness of radiation combined with peplomycin as an induction therapy for carcinoma of the oral cavity. Oral Maxillofacial Radiology Today 29-36, 2000 (Edited by H. Fuchihata et al. Elsevier Science B.V.)

Shimizutani K, Inoue To, Teshima T. Effectiveness of radiation combined with peplomycin as an induction therapy for carcinoma of the oral cavity. in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Today. edited by H. Fuchihata et al., Elsevier B.V.: 29-36, 2000

Shiomi H, Inoue To. Quality assurance for an image-guided frameless radiosurgery system using radiochromic film. Radiat Med 18:107-113, 2000

Sone S, Li F, Yang ZG, Takashima S, Maruyama Y, Hasegawa M, Wang JC, Kawakami S, Honda T: Characteristics of small lung cancers invisible on conventional chest radiography and detected by population based screening using spiral CT. Brit J Radiol 73:137-145, 2000

Sumi M, Ikeda H, Tokuuye K, Kagami Y, Murayama S, Tobisu K, Kakizoe T. The external radiotherapy with three-dimensional conformal boost after the neoadjuvant androgen suppression for patients with locally advanced prostatic carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48: 519-528, 2000

Sumi, M, Ikeda, H, Uno, T, Teshima, T, Tanisada, K, Inoue, T. Japanese PCS Working Subgroup of Lung Cancer, Japan : Patterns of Care Study of radiation therapy for lung cancer in Japan: The influence of the stratification of institution on the process. Lung Cancer 29; S1-167, 2000.

Takamura M, Murakami T, Kurachi H, Kim T, Enomoto T, Narumi Y, Nakamura H. MR imaging of mesenteric hemangioma: A case report. Radiat Med 18:67-69, 2000.

Takahashi S, Kim T, Murakami T, Okada A, Hori M, Narumi Y, Nakamura H. Influence of paramagnetic contrast on single-shot MRCP image quality. Abdom Imaging 25:511-513, 2000.

Takashima S, Takayama F, Wang Q, Kawakami S, Saito A, Sone S: Head and neck lesions: Determination of an optimal MT technique for prediction of malignancy. Invest Radiol 35:244-252, 2000

Takashima S, Takayama F, Wang Q, Kawakami S, Saito A, Kobayashi S, Sone S: Differentiated thyroid carcinomas: Prediction of tumor invasion with MR imaging. Acta Radiol 41:377-383, 2000.

Takashima S, Takayama F, Wang JC, Saito A, Kawakami S, Kobayashi S, Sone S: Radiologic assessment of metastases to the thyroid gland. J Comput Assist Tomogr 24:539-545, 2000.

Takashima S, Takayama F, Saito A, Wang Q, Hidaka K, Sone S. Primary thyroid lymphoma: Diagnosis of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement with polymerase chain reaction in ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration. Thyroid 10:507-510, 2000

Takashima S, Takayama F, Momose M, Shingu K, Sone S. Secondary malignant lymphoma which simulated primary thyroid cancer. Clin Imag 24:162-165, 2000.

Tanaka H, Fujita N, Watanabe Y, Hirabuki N, Takanashi M, Oshiro Y, Nakamura H. Effects of stimulus rate on the auditory cortex using fMRI with ‘sparse’ temporal smapling. NeuroReport 11;2045-2049, 2000

Taniguchi M, Kato A, Fujita N, Hirata M, Tanaka H, Kihara T, Ninomiya H, Hirabuki N, Nakamura H, Robinson SE, Cheyne D, Yoshimine T. Movement-related desynchronization of the cerebral cortex studies with spatially filtered magnetoencephalography. NeuroImage 12; 298-306, 2000

Tanisada K, Teshima T, Ikeda H, Abe M, Owen J.B, Hanks G.E, Abe M, Yamashita T, Nishio M, Yamada S, Sakai K, Hiraoka M, Hirokawa Y, Oguchi M, Inoue T. A preliminary outcome analysis of the Patterns of Care Study in Japan for special reference to age: Non-surgery group. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 46(5): 1223-1233, 2000

Tanisada K, Teshima T, Hiraoka M, Hirokawa Y, Inoue T. A preliminary outcome analysis of the Patterns of Care Study in Japan for special reference to age. Non surgery group. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 46:1223-1233, 2000

Tatsumi M, Yutani K, Nishimura T. Evaluation of lung cancer by 99mTc-tetrofosmin SPECT: comparison with [18F]FDG-PET. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 24: 574-580, 2000

Toba M, Ishida Y, Fukuchi K, Noguchi T, Itoh A, Nonogi H, Takamiya M. Use of ECG-gated SPET to assess the evolution of perfusion after acute myocardial infarction. Eur J Nucl Med 27: 517-523, 2000

Toba M, Fukuchi K, Hayashida K, Takeda Y, Fukushima K. Intrathoracic mass simulated by ectopic kidney. Clin Nucl Med 25: 289-290, 2000

Tomiyama N, M_ller NL, Johkoh T, Honda O, Mihara N, Kozuka T, Hamada S, Nakamura H, Akira M, Ichikado K. Acute parenchymal lung disease in immunocompetent patients: diagnostic accuracy of high-resolution CT. AJR-Am J Roentgenol 174: 1745-1750, 2000

Tomiyama N, Mihara N, Maeda M, Johkoh T, Kozuka T, Honda O, Hamada S, Nakamura H, Yoshida S. CT-guided needle biopsy of small pulmonary nodule: value of respiratory gating. Radiology 217: 907-910, 2000

Tsujimura E, Kusuoka H, Fukuchi K, Hasegawa S, Yutani K, Hori M, Hirono S, Izumi T, Nishimura T. Changes in perfusion and fatty acid metabolism of rat heart with autoimmune myocarditis. Ann Nucl Med 14: 361-367, 2000

Wang JC, Sone S, Yang ZG, Takashima S, Maruyama Y, Hasegawa M, Kawakami S, Honda T, Yamanda T. Rapidly growing small peripheral cancers detected by screening CT: Correlation between raiological and pathological features Brit J Radiol 73:930-937, 2000.

Watanabe Y, Nakano T, Yutani K, Nishimura H, Kusuoka H, Nakamura H, Nishimura T. Detection of viable cortical neurons using benzodiazepine receptor imaging after reversible focal ischaemia in rats: comparison with regional cerebral blood flow. Eur J Nucl Med 27: 308-313, 200

Yamada N, Takamiya M, Kuribayashi S, Okita Y, Minatoya K, Tanaka R. MRA of the Adamkiewicz artery: a preoperative study for thoracic aortic aneurysm. J Comput Assist Tomogr 24:362-8, 2000.

Yamashita T, Teshima T, Inoue To. Patterns of care study for esophageal cancer in Japan. Process survey (1995-1997) with special reference to brachytherapy. Radiother Oncol 55:87, 2000

Yamazaki H, Inoue T. Mitochondrial genotypes and radiation-induced micronucleus formation in human osteosarcoma cells in vitro. Radiother Oncol 56:S111, 2000

Yamazaki H, Inoue To. Radiation and low dose adriamycin for the treatment of carcinoma of the hypopharynx. Anticancer Research 20:4713-4720, 2000

Yoshida K, Inoue To. Role of mitochondrial DNA in radiation exposure. Radiat Med 18:87-91, 2000

Yoshioka Y, Inoue To. Hyperfractionated high dose rate interstitial brachytherapy as monotherapy for localized prostate cancer. Radiother Oncol 55:76, 2000

Yoshioka Y, Inoue To. High-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy as a monotherapy for localized prostate cancer. Treatment description and preliminary result of a phase I/II clinical trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48:675-681, 2000

Yoshizumi T, Nozaki S, Fukuchi K, Yamasaki K, Fukuchi T, Maruyama T, Tomiyama Y, Yamashita S, Nishimura T, Matsuzawa Y. Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of 123I-BMIPP fatty acid analog in healthy and CD36-deficient subjects. J Nucl Med 41: 1134-1138, 2000

Yutani K, Shiba E, Kusuoka H, Tatsumi M, Uehara T, Taguchi T, Takai S, Nishimura T. Comparison of FDG-PET with MIBI-SPECT in the detection of breast cancer and axillary lymph node metastasis. J Comput Assist Tomogr 24: 274-280, 2000