Radiology is a study which obtains various information from the images of bodies using physicochemical techniques and enables us to diagnose diseases from captured images.
In the recent years, the development in this field, coupled with the advancement of diagnostic equipment, has been remarkable. For this reason, Radiology is becoming more and more relevant and important in medical services.
Department of Radiology in Osaka University Hospital is home to excellent specialists in all fields of Radiology, especially in diagnostic imaging and IVR (interventional radiology to perform a percutaneous treatment using images). IVR is minimally invasive and is widely applicable. The IVR Center of Osaka University Hospital was established in 2014. Almost all IVR procedures are done in this center and extensive IVR training course is provided to residents. To further develop expertise, we feature a course wherein studies and researches are divided into four specialized groups, namely, neuro, chest, breast, and abdomen. To improve diagnostic performance, researches and diagnostic imaging studies are carried out using state-of-the-art multi-detector CT (MDCT) and high magnetic field MRI, with which the University Hospital is fully equipped. In addition, we also develop new instruments and embolic materials applicable to IVR. We present the results obtained from these studies at, not only local but also, international conferences and meetings each year, sending out useful information to the world.
The Department of Radiology in Osaka University Hospital has built a network of about 30 affiliated hospitals in Osaka and Hanshin Area. With this network, we have created a specialized training program that corresponds to the new certified board system. This training program is provided to doctors aiming to obtain a specialist certification in Radiology. In addition, doctors can acquire the qualification of IVR specialists, because of the several facilities for IVR training in our network.
In our department, we also support those who are planning to get their PhD. They enter a postgraduate course and do either clinical work and/or basic research in diagnostic radiology and IVR. We provide systematic education by using teaching files to residents aiming to get broad knowledge and skill. Our department, therefore, takes pride in being the best place for young doctors who have interest in Radiology. We look forward to working with you all.